Say goodbye to the reign of disposable period products: Menstrual cups are quickly gaining popularity as a safe, reliable, and eco-friendly option for managing that time of the month. Have you ever thought about using a menstrual cup? It may...
Were you aware that the average woman spends seven years of her life menstruating? That's a lot of period products over time! Lots of women have been taught to use tampons during their time of the month. As it turns...
If you use single-use tampons, your period is probably a noisy, messy, wasteful, expensive, and stressful affair. Why should every single month involve wrappers, leaks, stains, and frantic trips to the store? If you've considered switching to menstrual cups, this...
Your anxiety level increases as you find yourself squirming in your seat, not knowing how to relieve that pesky itchiness in your nether regions without causing a major scene. Distraction and frustration can feel all-consuming and overwhelming. For better or...